Chasing Freedom

Freedom From Fear

By July 18, 2012November 18th, 20133 Comments

Freedom from Fear-001On the outside we can appear so calm. Quiet, still, maybe a little bit distant. While all the time on the inside, our minds are buzzing; like a beehive, overwhelmed by activity. Thoughts and instructions and questions. How do you know what to listen to? How do you find that still, small voice among the noise? I can tell you that it is possible and it is life-changing.

That still small voice that you are seeking; your loving Father God? He is there, whispering guidance and truth and love into your life. But there is noise that can drown Him out. The rules which govern your behaviour and hold you captive. These are born out of fear. But God has not given us a spirit of fear! He has given you a spirit of power. A spirit of love. And He has given you a sound mind and freedom from fear. It is already yours.

Did you know that God’s power is already within you? You have the power within you to take captive those thought which have held you in chains. Through Him, you can be released from the grip of unhealthy fear. There is healthy fear – that which keeps us from harm. Fear which enables to make sensible choices. Not to put our hand into a flame. Not to cause ourselves damage.

But then there is a spirit of fear. This is what holds us back from fulfilling our potential in God. This is what whispers in our ear ‘what if?’ ‘would they like you if they really knew you?’. This is from the enemy and it’s purpose is to destroy you; to keep you from being free. Fight back girls! Pray for a revelation of that power that is within you. That spirit of love. Pray for a revelation of the sound mind that is already yours.

Fill your mind with God’s Word and His promises and leave no room for the noise. The closer to draw to God, the more you abandon yourself to Him – the freer you become. By submitting to Him, you take refuge in Him! He will protect you. He has called you by name – He knows you and He loves you. Command those fear-fuelled whispers and shouts to be silenced, in Jesus’ name. Ask God for the wisdom and understanding to recognize His voice. It will be given to you!

‘If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking’. James 1:5

Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Jincy Gibson says:

    God is so generous!! Thank you for writing this. Your words matter.

  • Eugene Hung says:

    2 Timothy 1.7 … great verse. Thanks, Ruth! (On a separate note, has Olympic insanity taken hold in your corner of England yet?)

  • Emily Haughton says:

    Very true, this is so real. And a great reminder of all God can do and has done for us!! Thank you for blogging here!