Chasing Freedom

Intensity Matches Intensity

I’ve got a question for you. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most and 1 being the least, where would you rate your personal level of intensity?

To evaluate your intensity level, think of how you respond to things and the energy with which you do life. I can say without a doubt that my number is high…probably an 8 or 9. People who meet me usually use words like “perky” or “energetic” to describe me, and though these words would still fit even if I hadn’t had an eating disorder I think that most of us who have had an eating disorder live out of a place of intensity whether or not we’re high energy or low energy. In other words, intensity is our middle name when we’ve lived through the intensity of an eating disorder!

I’ve had a thought come to me this week in light of this reality: once my eating disorder wasn’t consuming as much of my life I needed to fill that space with other kinds of intense things that were positive. And to take it a step further, I believe that if we don’t fill the spaces in our lives that once were held by the grips of an eating disorder with positively impacting ventures and causes and influences, we are vulnerable to relapse.

I’ve often said that God matches intensity with intensity. I love the fact that He is an intense God who is never overwhelmed by our intense problems, our intense pain, or our intense confusion. He’s ready to show up and show off right in the middle of the process. He’s all about process so He loves being invited into it.

Ask God today and this week for ways that you can intensely pursue healthy ways of living. It’s so fun (and sometimes uncomfortable or even scary) to follow the Spirit’s lead but if you want a crazy amazing adventure, this is how to move in a positively intense way.

As you listen to the Spirit’s voice and hone your spirit ears to hear Him, One who whispers and communicates Jesus’ and Abba Father’s heart of love for you, He will give you assignments that are passionately surprising and intense.

Maybe you’ll feel a nudge to buy the coffee of a stranger in front of you in line when you order your Starbucks Double Tall Carmel Macchiato. Or maybe you’ll feel a nudge to write a note of encouragement to a friend who is in a dark place, a place you’re not overwhelmed by because you’ve been there yourself. Or maybe you’ll sense the Spirit asking you to risk vulnerability by opening up about your current struggles with a friend who wants more emotional connection with you.

Choose today to trust God more fully as you practice stepping out in new ways of intensity while being released into life-breathing pathways of positive impact. This will shift you from being intensely bound by Ed to one who is more and more intensely liberated to newness of life!

Let’s partner with an intensely amazing God who can use our intense crap history for His glory.

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  • Eugene Hung says:

    “I love the fact that He is an intense God who is never overwhelmed by our intense problems, our intense pain, or our intense confusion. He’s ready to show up and show off right in the middle of the process. He’s all about process so He loves being invited into it.” That’ll preach, sister! Well said.