April 10, 2012 Why are ED’s So Difficult to Treat? A top eating disorder expert removes some of the mystery surrounding the difficulty of treating… Karen Amos 0 Love0
April 8, 2012 Shopping Around for Treatment Centers "How important is it to "shop around" before selecting a residential treatment center?" Karen Amos 0 Love0
April 6, 2012 Parent of Disordered Eater – What Mindset Is Needed? "What kind of mindset is needed for a parent to help a child who is… Karen Amos 0 Love0
March 14, 2012 What to Look for in a Treatment Program Not all treatment programs are alike. Here are some key things to look for. Karen Amos 0 Love0
March 14, 2012 When Does Osteopenia Occur in Anorexia "How long does it take before osteopenia begins to occur in an anorexic?" Karen Amos 0 Love0
March 13, 2012 Teenage Daughter Struggling with Self Injury "My husband and I just found out that our teenage daughter has been burning herself… Karen Amos 0 Love0
March 12, 2012 What is “Success” in Treatment? "How do you define success for someone who has completed a residential treatment program?" Karen Amos 0 Love0
March 7, 2012 Triggers for Children with ED’s "What seems to be the most common trigger for eating disorders among children?" Karen Amos 0 Love0
March 7, 2012 Relapse Prevention – Difference Between Accountability and Support "When it comes to relapse prevention, what is the difference between accountability and support?" Karen Amos 0 Love0
March 7, 2012 Letters: “Dear Young Friend” (For Children with Eating Disorders) Tender words from the heart of a woman who struggled with anorexia as a young… Karen Amos 0 Love0