March 12, 2012
Saying No to Family Pressures to Overeat
"My grandmother and aunts love to cook and bake. The problem is, whenever we visit…

March 2, 2012
My Body Doesn’t Look Like My (Adopted) Family’s
"I am adopted and all of my adoptive family is thin, but I seem to…

February 17, 2012
Four Ways a Family Enables Someone with an ED
"What are some ways families 'enable' a person with an eating disorder?"

January 30, 2012
How to Set Healthy Boundaries with Mom
"My mom constantly comments on my weight and my body, which makes me feel very…

January 30, 2012
How to Help My Overweight Son
"I'm having trouble with my son, who is overweight. When he was younger, he was…

January 29, 2012
Family Nagging Me to Eat
"I don't have an eating disorder; I just watch what I eat. My family seems…

January 28, 2012
Common Mistakes Parents Make That Can Trigger ED’s
"What are some common mistakes that parents make that can trigger disordered eating behaviors?"

January 25, 2012
Appropriate Blame to Absorb for Parents of Disordered Eaters
"Where is the balance between a parent taking too much blame and not taking enough…