May 9, 2012
Ways to Stop Enabling Someone with an ED
"What are some ways to stop "enabling" a person with an eating disorder?"

May 9, 2012
Perfectionists More Likely to Develop ED’s?
"I've heard that perfectionists are more likely to develop an eating disorder. Is this true?"

May 8, 2012
Why Are Treatment Centers So Expensive?
"Why is treatment for eating disorders so expensive? Is it really worth all that money?"

May 8, 2012
Remuda Ranch – “A Word to Parents”
Tips for thinking critically about the media and breaking free from image-oriented living.

April 10, 2012
Why are ED’s So Difficult to Treat?
A top eating disorder expert removes some of the mystery surrounding the difficulty of treating…

April 8, 2012
Shopping Around for Treatment Centers
"How important is it to "shop around" before selecting a residential treatment center?"

April 6, 2012
Parent of Disordered Eater – What Mindset Is Needed?
"What kind of mindset is needed for a parent to help a child who is…

April 3, 2012
Recovering Bulimic – How Do I Ease Into Normal Eating?
"I have a friend who just returned from inpatient treatment for her bulimia. Now that…

April 2, 2012
Never Give Up
Best-selling author and former disordered eater Jenni Schaefer talks about the importance of sticking with…